Jeffrey Raven, FAIA, LEED AP

Interview - Japan
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Climate-Resilient Urban Design (US Green Building Council Research Publication Reference)
Shaping Resilient Cities in China, India and the United States, Gaborit, P. (ed.), European and Asian Sustainable Towns (PIE Peter Lang SA, Brussels, 2014)
Assessment Report on Climate Change in Cities (ARC3-2)- in progress
Elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects, February 2015.

Lectures in Beijing and Shanghai, China: Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) and Beijing University for Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA), 2014.

Advisory Committee member to develop the EcoDistricts Global Protocol, 2014-present.

Expert: National Science Foundation (NSF) - Urban Climate Institute (UCI), Atlanta, 2014.

Lecture in India:  The Challenges of Mumbai as a Mega-City, European Union-Bombay First, 2013.

Expert: Project East: Euro-Asia Sustainable Towns, Qingpu, Shanghai, China, July 2013.
Directed Sustainable Urban Design Workshop at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, Summer 2013.

Lecture: Resilient Cities, Cambridge University, England, 2012.

Lecture: China International Urbanization Forum, National Development & Reform Commission - China Center for Urban Development, Shanghai, 2012.

Steering Committee: US Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Global Change Research Program (GCRP) for Urban Resilience, 2012.

Lecture: The Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2012.

Lecture: UN Habitat + Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, United Nations, New York, 2012.

Workshop: UNDP Europe and the CIS, Bratislava Regional Centre, Slovakia, 2012.

Lecture: CIPSEM-UNEP, International Post-Graduate Training Programme, Germany, 2012.

Presentation on Planning + Design for Resilient Communities at The World Bank, Washington DC.


Institutions and experts gather for Regen: NJ Highlands, a regenerative design conference.  Jeffrey Raven presented on green infrastructure performance frameworks. 

       Thought Leadership       Project Delivery

     interdisciplinary synergies
     sustainability at multiple spatial scales
     on-site energy generation
     leveraging limited resources

RAVEN Architecture + Urban Design, LLC.
Jeffrey Raven, FAIA, LEED BD+C
Registered Architect
15 Charles Street, #5a
New York, NY. 10014
+1 646 430 4614