Raven J., Braneon C., Rosenzweig C. (2021) Embedding Climate Change in Urban Planning and Urban Design in New York City. In: Ren C., McGregor G. (eds) s. Biometeorology, vol 5. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87598-5_3
Raven, J. Strategies for Urban Sustainability, (2021) Stream05 – New Intelligences, Paris, ISBN: 978-2-9575780-0-9.
Raven, J., Urban Design Climate Workshops (2021) In Climate and Policy, Encyclopedia of Climate Change, Volume 3, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc, Jan Dash (Ed.), ISBN 9789811209321.
Pietzsch, Ursula and Bao, Keyu and Padsala, Rushikesh and Gebetsroither-Geringer, Ernst and Smetschka, Barbara and Raven, Jeffrey and Coors, Volker (2021) Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies. ISSN 2521-3938.
Raven, J., interview in Antonini, E.; Gaspari, J.; Visconti, C. Collaborative Learning Experiences in a Changing Environment: Innovative Educational Approaches in Architecture. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8895. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168895.
Raven, J., Case Study - Integrating Climate Adaptation and Climate Mitigation (2020). In Christian Braneon, Cynthia Rosenzweig, et.al., States and Cities for Climate Action. In Jeffrey Sachs (lead author), Zero Carbon Action Plan: Integrating Mitigation & Adaptation. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), New York, 122 p.
Raven, J., Braneon, C., and Esposito, M. (2020) Urban Design Climate Workshop: Gowanus, Brooklyn. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute.
Raven, J. (2020) La Revue Urbanisme, Ville chaude - quartiers cool : À la recherche des îlots de fraîcheur, Edition #417, Paris, France.
Raven, J. (2020) Les villes doivent s’inspirer de la climatologie urbaine pour répondre à la crise sanitaire (cities must take inspiration from urban climatology to respond to the health crisis), Le Monde, Paris, ISSN: 19506260.
Raven, J. et al. (2020) A Green Public Works Program for NYC. In Laird Gallagher, Safiyyah Edwards, Cameron Haas, Jonathan Bowles (eds.), Center for an Urban Future, New York.
Raven, J. (2019) From Climate Science to Practice, Urban Design & Climate Change, Urban Design Journal, Urban Design Group, London, ISSN: 1750 712X.Raven, J., Stone, B., Mills, G., Towers, J., Katzschner, L., Leone, M., Gaborit, P., Georgescu, M., and Hariri, M. (2018). Urban planning and urban design. In C. Rosenzweig, W. Solecki, P. Romero-Lankao, S. Mehrotra, S. Dhakal, and S. Ali Ibrahim (eds.), Climate Change and Cities: Second Assessment Report of the Urban Climate Change Research Network. Cambridge University Press.
Raven, J., Leone, M. (2018). Shaping Climate Resilient Cities through Innovative, Multi-Scale and Adaptive-Mitigation Design Methods, TECHNE-Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment.
Hamdi, R., Tapper,N., Raven, J., Cleugh, H., Di Lullo,G. Urban Climate Information to Support Decision Making: From Local to Global (2018) International Conference on Climate Change and Cities, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Nairobi, Kenya.
Raven, J. (2017). To Curb Climate Change, Cities Need the Right Design, Forbes Media LLC.Raven, J., Klein-Rosenthal, J. (2017). Urban Heat and Urban Design: An Opportunity to Transform in NYC. The Sallan Foundation, Inc.
Raven, J. (2016) Climate Resilient Planning and Urban Design: Sintesi dei risultati del report UCCRN-ARC3-2 / Climate Resilient Urban Planning and Design: UCCRN-ARC3-2 findings. In D’Ambrosio, V. Leone, M.F. (eds.) Progettazione ambientale per ladattamento al Climate Change. Modelli innovativi per la produzione di conoscenza / Environmental Design for Climate Change adaptation. Innovative models for the production of knowledge, Clean, Napoli, ISBN:9788884976079.ARC3.2
Findings; Toward Developing a Blueprint for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure; US National Science Foundation; International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure; Shenzhen, China, 2016.
Rapport de Soutenance du Jury : Thèse de Doctorat de Sciences de l’Information et de Communication de G. de Kerret ; Professeurs M. Regourd. A. Gryspeerdt, V. Brunetiere, J. Raven; Université Paris 8, 2106. Raven, J. Embedding Climate Change in Urban Planning and Design (2015). In C. Rosenzweig, W. Solecki, P. Romero-Lankao, S. Mehrotra, S. Dhakal, and S. Ali Ibrahim (eds.) ARC3.2, Summary for City Leaders: Climate Change and Cities, Urban Climate Change Research Network, Columbia University. Raven, J. Shaping Resilient Cities in China, India and the United States, Gaborit, P. (ed.), European and Asian Sustainable Towns, PIE Peter Lang SA, Brussels,2014.
Raven, Jeffrey. Cooling the Public Realm: Climate-Resilient Urban Design · Resilient Cities (2011) 1: 451-463, 2011. Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change - Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010, Series: Local Sustainability, Vol. 1, Otto-Zimmermann, Konrad (Ed.), 2011, XLIV, 576 p. Raven, J.
Cooling the Public Realm: Climate-Resilient Urban Design, Hebbert, M., Jankovic.V, Webb, B. (ed.), City Weathers, Manchester Architecture Research Centre, University of Manchester; ISBN: 978-1-907120-98-5; 2011 Manchester Architecture Research Centre (MARC), 2011.http://www.sed.manchester.ac.uk/research/marc
Cooling the Public Realm: Climate-Resilient Urban Design*, Resilient Cities (Springer, 2011), 1st Global Forum on Cities and Climate Change Adaptation. * Reference document by USGBC Research Publications
Royal Town Planning Institute (UK): Vietnam Climate-Resilient Urban Design project, September 2011.
Growing Green, St. Louis County, 2010 USGBC-St. Louis, MO., Governance Award.
Belford Port Redevelopment Plan, New Jersey, 2009 NJPO Achievement Planning Award.
Montclair Redevelopment Plan, New Jersey, 2008.
Physical Development Plan for the State of Qatar, Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture, 1998.
Downtown Brooklyn: A Plan for Continued Progress, Regional Plan Association, 1995. Contributor to A Region at Risk: The Third Regional Plan for the NY Metropolitan Area, RPA, 1996.
“Belfast Plan for the Gasworks Site”; Scope: A Review of Northern Ireland. Exhibited at the Progressive Building Society, Belfast.
New York Institute of Technology: Director, Masters of Architecture in Urban + Regional Design (2012-2020), Associate Professor, Manhattan.
Columbia University: Adjunct Assitant Professor of Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture + Urban Design.
Cambridge University: Programme for Sustainability Leadership; The Prince of Wales Business & Sustainability Programme.
The New York Times Knowledge Network - The Cooper Union - Ecological Cities: Sustainability + Resilience.
Chair Group in Architectural Pedagogy and Research for the French Ministry of Culture, member of the scientific committee, developing innovative cross-sectoral approaches to the built environment to confront the challenges of climate change. “Habitabilité sur terre : Que peut l'architecture ? - Conversation vulnérabilités” https://vimeo.com/678770082, 2022.
Urban Design Climate Workshop: Ten Years of Experiences & Methodologies, Climate-Resilient Urban Design (CRUD) project, UCCRN_edu/ERASMUS+ program of the European Union & National Science Foundation RCN grant, Paris, 2022.
Écoles d'art américaines de Fontainebleau - Beaux-Arts / Architecture, lecture, France, 2022.
Net Zero Neighborhoods – Gowanus, Brooklyn Project, Project Lead. INSOURCE Belmont Forum: Sustainable Urbanization Global Initiative (SUGI), National Science Foundation Grant No. 1830718. Collaboration with the American Institute of Architects, as co-Chair of Planning & Urban Design Committee. LinkedIn, 2019-2022.
Interview on CTV News Channel-Canada; Design and planning strategies recommended for NYC to confront the challenge of climate change (9/2/21). https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2271814 Evaluating Urban Issues of Climate Change, Barnard College – Columbia University, New York, 2021.
City of the Future: Zero carbon buildings and quarters - Case studies from Montreal, Hamburg and New York, MTL Connecte, Panelist, sponsored by Consulate of Germany, Montreal, Canada, 2021.
Reinventing World Cities – Post-Covid Cities; Global cities emerging from the pandemic while implementing social goals and 21st-century zero-carbon policies, Center for Architecture, NYC, 2021.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Transportation Research Board. Panelist for Metropolitan Planning Organization forum on resiliency in transportation, 2021.
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lecture and panel, Urban Planning & Urban Design - Climate Change and Cities, MIT DUSP: MIT School of Architecture + Planning, 2020.
Urban Manifesto interview, co-hosted by Lucy Bullivant (London), place strategist, author & founder of Urbanista.org and Prathima Manohar (Mumbai), founder of think-do-tank The Urban Vision, 2020.
Urbanism of the Southern China Metropolis: NYIT – Tsinghua University Symposium, panelist, 2020.
Climate Justice Panel: Leveraging Our Strengths, the American Institute of Architects, panel moderator, 2020.
Dialogue: Heat in the City, Global Heat Health Information Network, lecture and panel moderated by Laurie Goering (Thomson Reuters). Panelists included C40 Manager of Cool Cities; Dep. Director NYC Mayor’s Office of Resiliency, leading Hong Kong developer, 2020.
Featured in AIA Blueprint for Better, a national campaign by the American Institute of Architects to bring to life the role of architects as leaders in the fight against climate change, 2020.
MTL Connect - City of the Future, Montreal, Canada; keynote presentation, 2020.
Archtober: Challenges in Future Cities, hosted by the Consul General of Sweden in NY and Exec. Director of the van Alen Institute. Panel from Rwanda, Kenya, UK, Canada, Sweden and the US, 2020.
Tongji University, Shanghai: Designing for Net-Zero (2019); Lecture to graduate faculty and students, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, China.
Shenzhen University School of Architecture: Sustainable and Resilient Urban Design (2019); Lecture to undergraduate and graduate faculty and students, China.
First International Urban Forum on City of Challenges: Eco-Technological Innovation, Laayoune, Western Sahara, Morocco (2019). Lecturer and panelist on bridging climate science, policy and design practice. The Moroccan Phosboucraa Foundation organized this international event held at the Palais des Congrès in Laayoune.
Interview: Nature Podcast, Nature Research, Modeling hot cities: Cities are generally hotter than their surroundings, but what are the causes of these ‘heat islands’? Springer Nature, 4 Sept 2019.
Le Monde CITIES, lecture and Member of the Awards Selection Committee, Paris, 2019. NYIT urban design studio project for Gowanus, Brooklyn was presented through the lens of integrating climate adaptation and climate mitigation.
Urban Design Climate Workshop for Durban, South Africa (2019). Sessions engaged representatives from Durban in a series of urban design workshops linking quality of life, economic development, public health to local and regional climate interventions. Sponsored by the German government Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Government of Durban.
Global Practices and Policy on Urban Risk, Resilience, and Crises (2019); Lecture, Columbia University GSAPP.
Archtober: Responsive Cities (2018), Panelist with experts from ETH Zurich, sponsored by the Consulate General of Switzerland, Parsons-New School.
AIA2018 - Project New York: Collaborative Mapping Platform (2018), Panelist with Sr. Policy Advisor - NYC Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resilience and Exec. Director, NYC Public Design Commission.
Shaping Climate Resilient Cities through Innovative, Multi-Scale and Adaptive-Mitigation Design Methods (2018); Speaker, IAUC International Climate Conference, CUNY.
New York City Urban Design Climate Workshop (2018) at NYIT; Program Lead. The UDCW drew from a cross-disciplinary team of global urban climate experts and leading New York City Urban Design practitioners to shape evidence-based, climate-driven intervention tools and strategies for district-scale sites, focusing on Sunnyside Yard, Queens.
Urban Infrastructures: Food, Energy and Water for Sustainable and Resilient Cities – National Science Foundation; Speaker and steering committee member in collaboration with NYIT SoECS, 15 June at NYIT.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), The CitiesIPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, Speaker and Convener, Urban Climate Information to Support Decision Making: From Local to Global, Edmonton, Canada, 2018. Gowanus Technical Advisory Panel, Urban Land Institute New York, 2018.
Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panelist comprising leading design, planning, financial, infrastructure and sustainability experts, to configure a sustainable and resilient Gowanus district in Brooklyn, NY, 2017.
International Climate Summit, Agadir, Morocco (September 2017). Lecturer and Workshop leader. Joined by a panel of European and American experts. NYIT graduate student presented innovative research completed by graduate team.
Urban Transition in Face of Climate Change, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2017. Co-led international workshop: Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation in Urban Planning, Urban Design and Architecture. Sponsored by UCCRN, CNRS, Sorbonne Universités.
Climate-Resilient Urban Design: Bridging Science and Practice, Cambridge University, England, 2017. Solo lecture, followed by workshop led by me on the intersection of urban form, climate and implementation strategies.
Climate Change in NYC, Center for Architecture, New York City, 2017. Co-moderator/panelist and lecturer. Joined by Susanne Desroches, Dep. Director - NYC Office for Recovery & Resiliency; Cynthia Rosenzwieg - NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Jee Mee Kim - HR&A; and Signe Nielsen - Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects.
Climate Change and Cities, presentation at the Regional Plan Association, New York, 2017.
Design Solutions for Climate Change in Urban Areas; funded panelist and presenter, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, 2016. Toward Developing a Blueprint for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure,
International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI), invited and sponsored by the US National Science Foundation as speaker and panelist, Shenzhen, China, 2016.
Convening Design and Semiotics to Build Visual Identity for Museums and Urban Districts, panelist at the AIA New York State annual convention, Saratoga, 2016.
Socio-Semiotics and Research-Action Approach to the Visual Identity of Museums in Paris and New York, As Doctoral Thesis Juror, Raven delivered a detailed verbal and written response and exchange with the doctoral candidate and fellow jury in French, Université Paris 8, 2016.
ASLA-APA-AIA Annual Conference: Seeds of Urban Transformation - How Policy, Planning & Design Shape New York Neighborhoods; South Bronx Case Study ASLA-APA-AIA Annual Conference: Seeds of Urban Transformation - How Policy, Planning & Design Shape New York Neighborhoods; South Bronx Case Study ASLA-APA-AIA Annual Conference: Seeds of Urban Transformation - How Policy, Planning & Design Shape New York Neighborhoods; South Bronx Case Study ASLA-APA-AIA Annual Conference: Seeds of Urban Transformation - How Policy, Planning & Design Shape New York Neighborhoods; South Bronx Case Study ASLA-APA-AIA Annual Conference: Seeds of Urban Transformation - How Policy, Planning & Design Shape New York Neighborhoods; South Bronx Case Study ASLA-APA-AIA Annual Conference: Seeds of Urban Transformation - How Policy, Planning & Design Shape New York Neighborhoods; South Bronx Case Study
Lectures in Beijing and Shanghai, China: Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) and Beijing University for Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA), 2014.
Naples, Italy conference: Design Solutions for Climate Change in Urban Areas Naples, Italy conference: Design Solutions for Climate Change in Urban AreasElected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects, February 2015.Lectures in Beijing and Shanghai, China: Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) and Beijing University for Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA), 2014.
Expert: National Science Foundation (NSF) - Urban Climate Institute (UCI), Atlanta, 2014. Lecture in India: The Challenges of Mumbai as a Mega-City, European Union-Bombay First, 2013.
Directed Sustainable Urban Design Workshop at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, Summer 2013.
Lecture: Resilient Cities, Cambridge University, England, 2012.
China International Urbanization Forum, National Development &
Reform Commission - China Center for Urban Development, Shanghai, 2012.
Committee: US Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Global
Change Research Program (GCRP) for Urban Resilience, 2012.
Lecture: The Humboldt Foundation, Germany, 2012. Lecture: UN Habitat + Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, United Nations, New York, 2012.
Workshop: UNDP Europe and the CIS, Bratislava Regional Centre, Slovakia, 2012.
Lecture: CIPSEM-UNEP, International Post-Graduate Training Programme, Germany, 2012.
Environmental Urban Design, CIPSEM-UNEP, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.
Resilient Cities 2010, 1st World Congress on Cities and Climate Change Adaptation, Bonn, Germany: Climate-Resilient Urban Design.
Regional Assembly 2010, Regional Plan Association, New York, 2010: Building a Green Infrastructure.
Transportation Research Board 2010, Integrated Planning for Sustainability, Washington DC.
Asian Development Bank - Energy Efficiency and Cities, ADB Urban Day 2010, Manila, The Philippines.
The World Bank - Planning Resilient Cities, Washington DC.
Cornell University - Toward an Ecological City in Northern Vietnam, Department of City and Regional Planning.
Columbia University - Form Follows Power, Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design.
New York University - Spotlight on Abu Dhabi: Challenges and Opportunities in an Emerging Global City.
University of North Carolina, Charlotte – Professionally- accredited course: The Ecological City.
National Association of Environmental Professionals, 34th Annual Conference, The Ecological City, Phoenix, AZ.
Korea Transport Institute, International Transportation Conference - Intermodal Transit Hubs, Seoul, Korea.
New Jersey Institute of Technology: Infrastructure Planning Roundtable.