Jeffrey Raven, FAIA, LEED AP


Interview, Strategies for Urban Sustainability, Stream05 – New Intelligences, Paris, 2022.

Chair Group in Architectural Pedagogy and Research for the French Ministry of Culture, member of the scientific committee, developing innovative cross-sectoral approaches to the built environment to confront the challenges of climate change. “Habitabilité sur terre : Que peut l'architecture? - Conversation vulnérabilités”, 2022.

Urban Design Climate Workshop: Ten Years of Experiences & Methodologies, Climate-Resilient Urban Design (CRUD) project, UCCRN_edu/ERASMUS+ program of the European Union & National Science Foundation RCN grant, Paris, 2022.

Écoles d'art américaines de Fontainebleau - Beaux-Arts / Architecture, lecture, France, 2022.

Net Zero Neighborhoods – Gowanus, Brooklyn Project, Project Lead. INSOURCE Belmont Forum: Sustainable Urbanization Global Initiative (SUGI), National Science Foundation Grant No. 1830718. Collaboration with the American Institute of Architects, as co-Chair of Planning & Urban Design Committee. LinkedIn, 2019-2022.

Interview on CTV News Channel-Canada; Design and planning strategies recommended for NYC to confront the challenge of climate change (9/2/21).

Evaluating Urban Issues of Climate Change, Barnard College – Columbia University, New York, 2021.

City of the Future: Zero carbon buildings and quarters - Case studies from Montreal, Hamburg and New York, MTL Connecte, Panelist, sponsored by Consulate of Germany, Montreal, Canada, 2021.

Reinventing World Cities – Post-Covid Cities; Global cities emerging from the pandemic while implementing social goals and 21st-century zero-carbon policies, Center for Architecture, NYC, 2021.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Transportation Research Board. Panelist for Metropolitan Planning Organization forum on resiliency in transportation, 2021.

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Lecture and panel, Urban Planning & Urban Design - Climate Change and Cities, MIT DUSP: MIT School of Architecture + Planning, 2020.

Urban Manifesto interview, co-hosted by Lucy Bullivant (London), place strategist, author & founder of and Prathima Manohar (Mumbai), founder of think-do-tank The Urban Vision, 2020.

Urbanism of the Southern China Metropolis: NYIT – Tsinghua University Symposium, panelist, 2020.

Climate Justice Panel: Leveraging Our Strengths, the American Institute of Architects, panel moderator, 2020.

Dialogue: Heat in the City, Global Heat Health Information Network, lecture and panel moderated by Laurie Goering (Thomson Reuters). Panelists included C40 Manager of Cool Cities; Dep. Director NYC Mayor’s Office of Resiliency, leading Hong Kong developer, 2020.

Featured in AIA Blueprint for Better, a national campaign by the American Institute of Architects to bring to life the role of architects as leaders in the fight against climate change, 2020. 

MTL Connect - City of the Future, Montreal, Canada; keynote presentation, 2020.

Archtober: Challenges in Future Cities, hosted by the Consul General of Sweden in NY and Exec. Director of the van Alen Institute. Panel from Rwanda, Kenya, UK, Canada, Sweden and the US, 2020.

Recent Publlications
Raven J., Braneon C., Rosenzweig C. (2021) Embedding Climate Change in Urban Planning and Urban Design in New York City. In: Ren C., McGregor G. (eds) s. Biometeorology, vol 5. Springer, Cham.

Raven, J. Strategies for Urban Sustainability, (2021) Stream05 – New Intelligences, Paris, ISBN978-2-9575780-0-9.

Raven, J., Urban Design Climate Workshops (2021) In Climate and Policy, Encyclopedia of Climate Change, Volume 3, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc, Jan Dash (Ed.), ISBN 9789811209321.

Pietzsch, Ursula and Bao, Keyu and Padsala, Rushikesh and Gebetsroither-Geringer, Ernst and Smetschka, Barbara and Raven, Jeffrey and Coors, Volker (2021) Stakeholder-supported Research on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus with three International Case Studies. ISSN 2521-3938.

Raven, J., interview in Antonini, E.; Gaspari, J.; Visconti, C. Collaborative Learning Experiences in a Changing Environment: Innovative Educational Approaches in Architecture. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8895.

Raven, J., Case Study - Integrating Climate Adaptation and Climate Mitigation (2020). In Christian Braneon, Cynthia Rosenzweig,, States and Cities for Climate Action. In Jeffrey Sachs (lead author), Zero Carbon Action Plan: Integrating Mitigation & Adaptation. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), New York, 122 p.

Raven, J., Braneon, C., and Esposito, M. (2020) Urban Design Climate Workshop: Gowanus, Brooklyn. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute.

Raven, J. (2020) La Revue Urbanisme, Ville chaude - quartiers cool : À la recherche des îlots de fraîcheur, Edition #417, Paris, France.

Raven, J. (2020) Les villes doivent s’inspirer de la climatologie urbaine pour répondre à la crise sanitaire (cities must take inspiration from urban climatology to respond to the health crisis), Le Monde, Paris, ISSN: 19506260.

Raven, J. et al. (2020) A Green Public Works Program for NYC. In Laird Gallagher, Safiyyah Edwards, Cameron Haas, Jonathan Bowles (eds.), Center for an Urban Future, New York.

    Thought Leadership          Project Delivery

     interdisciplinary synergies 
     sustainability at multiple spatial scales
     on-site energy generation 
     leveraging limited resources

RAVEN A+U specializes in sustainable and resilient urban design. 

We work to expand the agency of design by embedding climate science in design practice. Examples include a recent urban design climate plan in Durban, South Africa; the Masdar carbon-neutral development in Abu Dhabi; eco-town prototypes in the Kolkata region, India; eco-planning a provincial capital in Vietnam; smart growth planning in the New York region; LEED building design in NYC; and the RPA Downtown Brooklyn Plan. We have  worked in China, Thailand, Korea, The Philippines, Sudan, Qatar, France and throughout the United States. We contribute to developing sustainable-resilient guidelines and metrics, including STAR Communities, the Global EcoDistrict Protocol, and McKinsey’s Green Districts.

Research Grants:
National Science Foundation. The Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI-Belmont-InSource): Co-PI for 3 Years. Raven leads the InSource (a European-American urban research consortium) Case Study in NYC in collaboration with local experts from the Urban Land Institute, the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter (AIANY) in coordination with key community stakeholder groups on Net-Zero Carbon and resilient district in NYC. The InSource consortium is developing a 3-D data modeling tool to enhance sustainability of the food/energy/water (FEW) nexus in urban environments.

National Science Foundation. City-as-Lab INFEWS/T3 RCN: Co-PI for 5 Years. A Research Coordination Network for the Study of the Food, Energy, and Water Nexus for Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development. Lead researcher to working group on visioning, engaging stakeholder, advising graduate students on field test and validating the proposed model and framework.

National Science Foundation. National Workshop on Architectural Faculty in Environmental Sustainability Research (WAFES): Co-PI, WAFES investigator/session leader. The intent is to engage Architectural researchers who are pursuing, environmental sustainability research related to the built environment; to build architecture faculty capacity to successfully pursue NSF proposals. 

Urban Design Climate Workshop - Brooklyn, New York City